Young Leaders Agreement

The text below, along with your registration form, form the Agreement between a young leader and the Group with which they will be working.


All young leaders, even those just doing Duke of Edinburgh volunteering, have to be registered with the District Explorer Scout Provision and, as per District Policy, complete Module A before they start volunteering. There are lots of other modules on offer too leading to the Young Leader Scheme Award.  On completion of Module A you will receive your young leader badge and a log book to help you record your progress through training. After you have read through the agreement (below), use this form to register with your District.

Placement Agreement

1. Introduction to agreed areas of responsibility

This Placement Agreement outlines the requirements and responsibilities relating to Young Leader provision within Scout Groups. The agreement aims to provide clarity as to areas of responsibility and requirements for all parties involved. It should therefore be signed by the Young Leader, Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leader), Team Leader and the Group Lead Volunteer.

Please be clear that:

  1. The District is responsible for Explorer Scout provision (14-18 year olds), which includes Young Leader Units.
  2. Where a Young Leader takes an active part in an Explorer Scout Unit, they are directly responsible for paying membership fees.
  3. It is recommended that if the youth member’s only role is as a Young Leader at a Scout Group, then the Group should pay membership fees for that member.
  4. Young Leaders should wear their Explorer Scout shirt at meetings and events, and Team Leaders should encourage this.
  5. Young Leaders wear the district necker.
  6. A Young Leader must not wear adult leader’s uniform before their 18th birthday.
2. Requirements for placing a Young Leader within your Scout Group
  1. Young Leaders must be registered with the District Explorer Scout Provision before starting to volunteer.
  2. Contact with the Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leader) should be made by the Team Leader with the full knowledge and approval of the Group Scout Leader.
  3. The Team Leader and Group Scout Leader in partnership with the ESL (YL) must ensure that Young Leaders have completed Module A (‘Prepare for take off!’) within three months of registering with the district.
  4. Young Leader contact details including health and in touch emergency contact details must be held by the Team Leader and ESL (YL).
  5. The Team Leader or mentor within the Scout Group should ensure that they are aware of current developments within the Young Leader training scheme.
  6. Team Leaders should induct the Young Leader into the Group the same as any adult volunteer.
3. Implied responsibilities of Young Leaders
  1. Module A, ‘Prepare for take off!’, to be completed ideally before they start volunteering and as a minimum within three months of registering in the scheme and starting to volunteer. Online course Young Leader Module A - Prepare for take off
  2. Remaining Young Leader Training Modules and Missions to be worked towards with the aim of completing all and achieving the Young Leader Buckle within two years of starting.
  3. Where placements are being used as DofE Volunteering, at least two hours of training must be completed at each level of the award.
  4. Regular attendance at weekly sessions plus activity days and camps.
  5. Take part in and contribute to Team programme planning and reviews.
  6. Make contact with the ESL (YL) to complete Mission and DofE Assessor Reports.
  7. Remain up to date with the Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR) of The Scout Association.
4. Responsibilities of leaders and managers
  1. Young Leaders must be included in Team meetings, events and camps as well as team planning meetings.
  2. The Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leader) will ensure that the YL is awarded with Young Leaders badges, including mission badges, and update progress on modules as part of the Young Leaders training scheme.
  3. All adults should remain conscious of the fact that a Young Leader is a youth member. They must be treated as such, supervised at all times and not given adult responsibilities.
  4. Young Leaders must not be included when calculating ratios of adults to young people. The Leader in charge is responsible for the YL and no ratio is required.
  5. Completed health and permission forms for nights away and adventurous activities must be obtained from parents fo all Young Leaders.  Young Leaders should be provided with separate sleeping accommodation to adults and members of younger Teams.
  6. Management of Young Leaders outside of Group matters rests with the Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leader).
  7. The ESL (YL) and DESC must ensure that Young Leaders are aware of upcoming YL forums and training dates, and should be encouraged to participate. Young Leaders should also be kept informed of Explorer Scout and Young Leader activities and events at District, County and National levels.
  8. The GLV and / or Team Leaders should ensure that Young Leaders are made aware of activities and events at Group, District, County and National levels for the Team they are supporting.
  9. Team Leaders should support Young Leaders in their Young Leader training and towards their other Scouting and DofE Awards.

Once you have read and agreed the above, complete this form to register!

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Hertford District

Hertford Scouts, Hertford, Hertfordshire, SG14 1HR

Registered Charity 302543

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